Top 10 Celebrities and Their Favorite Starbucks Orders

9 Taylor Swift: Pumpkin Spice Is A Treat

The artist loves her iced caramel latté with 2 Sweet’n Lows. She will order it along with a large iced Americano with 2 Sweet’n Lows if she is in a hotel after 11 AM. Sometimes she needs both the drink and herself to get her out of bed. This is one of the items that she includes in her rider, which also includes 3 boxes of Kraft mac and cheese, 1 bag of Twizzlers and 1-pint cookie dough.

She has a favorite coffee flavor, just like most people. Taylor Swift loves the Starbucks seasonal Pumpkin Spice Latte. Although I don’t like flavored syrups, I love pumpkin spice.