Top 10 Celebrities with Military Family Ties

You might be surprised to learn that many of today’s favorite celebrities have family ties with the military. These celebrities were raised by military parents.

It’s incredible to see how many stars, including Bruce Willis and Jessica Alba, have parents who served in the Navy or Air Force. Some of these stars spent their childhood in different cities, which helped them to become who they are today. Let’s show some appreciation for these celebrities who have a special connection to the military.

10 Jessica Alba

Jessica Alba is one of Hollywood’s top actresses. As a child actress on shows like Dark Angel, Alba was first noticed for her role in Honey. Her movie career grew steadily from there. She starred as a star in films like Honey, Sin City, and Mechanic.

Jessica lives the glamorous Hollywood lifestyle now, but she also had a military upbringing. Jessica was born in Biloxi, TX, and spent her childhood in Mississippi. Her father was a US Air Force pilot.