Top 10 Lowest-Earning Movie Roles For Famous Actors

7 Lindsay Lohan in The Canyons

Lindsay Lohan, a once-beloved child star Lindsay Lohan, became a household name thanks to Disney hits such as The Parent Trap. Most people remember Mean Girls for the moment Lohan seemed to be the most serious Hollywood actor of her time. Lohan’s career was eventually halted by tabloid gossip.

Paul Schrader, a filmmaking legend, cast Lohan in his Kickstarter-funded grindhouse experiment The Canyons. Schrader is a legend in filmmaking, having created classics such as Taxi Driver and Raging Bull. Lohan was hoping to redeem herself by teaming up with the auteur. Lohan received a symbolically small paycheck in exchange for her participation in the film.

Role: Tara

Salary: $7,000