Top 10 Celebrities and Their Favorite Starbucks Orders

7 Oprah: Half-Caf Espresso with Milk + Hazelnut

Oprah is a well-known name that this famous woman has created. She talks about her favorite coffee and I’ve not heard it in a while. Because she enjoys the flavor of her beans, she drinks a half-calf blend of espresso. She said that she mixes caffeinated, decaffeinated, and espresso with milk and a little bit of hazelnut in a recent interview.

“…As I wait for the brew to froth, I pull out a card from my 365 Gathered Truths box. I read five of them each morning; it’s a beautiful way to start the day.” Not only does she enjoy the special flavors of a half-caf, she even starts her morning off with some positive learning.