Top 20 Vintage Vinyl Records That Are Worth Thousands Today

18 David Bowie – The Prettiest Star

David Bowie has so many singles, that it’s difficult to remember them all. While “The Prettiest Star”, which isn’t his most famous single, is well-known. Legend has it that Bowie sang the song while calling Angela, his first wife to ask her to marry him. Marc Bolan, Bowie’s guitarist, helped him record the song.

Tony Visconti was a well-known producer who brought Bolan onto “The Prettiest Star.” Visconti later remembered how the session went until Bolan’s wife told Bowie that Marc was too good to play on “this album.” This would presage the end of their relationship and later rivalry.

Unfortunately, things didn’t go according to plan. The couple split and were divorced in 1980. The single is still available, but you may have to pay a lot if you want it. You can often find copies for as high as $2,000.